Office of County Development

Contact Info

Danny Tetley, Presiding Commissioner;
David F. Hough, 1st District Commissioner;
Chase Asmus, 2nd District Commissioner;

Office of County Development
P.O. Box 188
Benton, Missouri 63736
Phone: 573-545-3549
Fax: 573-545-3540

Office Info

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

County Development questions can be answered by contacting the Scott County Commission.


The Office of County Development is responsible for facilitating the growth of the county through improvement of infrastructure, business attraction and retention, and marketing of the county's benefits. The office seeks and manages state and federal grants to help accomplish this mission.

Downloadable PDFs

2025-01 Joint Health Ordinance Regulating Silica Sand Mining