County Commission

Danny Tetley

Presiding Commissioner
Office Phone: 573-545-3549
Home Phone: 573-620-4005 (cell)

David F. Hough

First District Commissioner
Office Phone: 573-545-3549
Home Phone: 573-380-3239 (cell)

Chase Asmus

Second District Commissioner
Office Phone: 573-545-3549
Home Phone: 573-318-6728 (cell)

Contact Info

Scott County Commission
P.O. Box 188
131 S. Winchester, Room 116
Benton, Missouri 63736
Phone: 573-545-3549
Fax: 573-545-3540

Office Info

Meeting Hours
Weekly on Tuesday and Thursday
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Meetings will not be held on holidays or other occasions due to lack of quorum.

The Commissioner's Office is located on the first floor of the Scott County Courthouse (Room 116).


The County Commission is responsible for the administration of the county's government which includes:

  • setting the annual budget and payment of expenditures
  • all county property
  • conducting the county's business in cooperation with the various county officeholders and departments

The County Highway Department reports directly to the County Commission.

As a third class County in Missouri, the Commission is relatively limited by state statute regarding the types of ordinances and orders it can initiate. Questions about the scope of the Commission's authority can be directed to the County Clerk or any commissioner.

The meetings of the County Commission are open to the public unless a closed session is held according to law.  An agenda is posted 24 hours before each meeting. The public is invited to attend Commission meetings and to contact commissioners at any time with concerns or questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I live in the first or second district?

Per 49.010 RSMo., each county shall be districted into two districts, of contiguous territory, as nearly equal in population as practicable, without dividing municipal townships.

First District consists of the following townships and precincts:

Richland Township: Miner Precinct and Sikeston Ward 1, Ward 2, Ward 3, and Ward 4 Precincts

Rootwad Township: McMullin Precinct

Morley Township: Haywood City, Morley, and Vanduser Precincts

Second District consists of the following townships and precincts:

Moreland Township: Benton and New Hamburg Precincts

Sandywood Township: Blodgett Precinct

Kelso Township: Chaffee, Kelso, and Scott City Precincts

Commerce Township: Commerce Precinct

Tywappity Township: Diehlstadt Precinct

Sylvania Township: Oran and Perkins Precincts

Downloadable PDFs

County Commission Districts Map

2025-01 Joint Health Ordinance Regulating Silica Sand Mining