
The Police Officer's Prayer

O Almighty God, Whose great power and eternal wisdom embrace the universe, watch over all police and law enforcement officers. Protect them from harm in the performance of their duty to stop crime, robberies, riots and violence. Help them keep our streets and homes safe day and night. We commend them to your loving care because their duty is dangerous. Grant them your unending strength and courage in their daily assignments. Dear God, protect these brave officers, give them Your Almighty protection, and unite them safely with their families after duty ends. Amen.

International Conference of Police Chaplains

Concerns of Police Survivors

What is a sheriff's chaplain?

The sheriff's chaplain is an area pastor appointed to serve the department. His/her responsibility is to provide counseling and support to law enforcement personnel and the public, both in normal circumstances and in times of crises.

How can the chaplain help me?

The chaplain is available to counsel with any officer or staff member at any time, but especially when personal or professional crises arise. This may include family tensions, job stress, or any number of other situations. The chaplain is also available when a law enforcement officer desires advise from a "pastoral", rather than a "police", perspective.

But, I already have a pastor!

The chaplain will not replace your own pastor and has no desire to interfere with his/her ministry with you. The chaplain is available when there is a situation you feel uncomfortable sharing with your own pastor, or when what concerns you should not be shared with non-law enforcement personnel. He/she is also available to you when you are unable to reach your pastor.

What are the chaplain's duties?

Be available to assist you in your official duties (e.g. death notifications, on-scene support, aid to victims or survivors of accidents, fire or crimes).* Visit sick or injured employees.* Be available to assist families of officers and other personnel in traumatic situations.* Be a "listening post" for professional, personal or family needs.* Ride-alongs, invocations, presiding at weddings, funerals, or other religious events.* Provide input regarding community problems, needs, concerns and interests.

When should I call a chaplain?

Anytime you, your family or someone you are dealing with can benefit from support and aid.

When is the chaplain on duty?

The chaplain is on call to assist you 24 hours a day.

What agencies will the chaplain assist?

Although the chaplain is attached to the Scott County Sheriff's Office, he is available to assist any law enforcement or emergency services personnel. This includes city, county, state, and federal.

When I need the chaplain, how do I contact him?

The Sheriff's Office communications officer can make contact for you, or you can phone the chaplain at the numbers listed below.

The chaplain is on call 24 hours a day

There are currently three chaplains appointed by the Sheriff to serve you Contact communications or call directly

Rev. John Harth
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Jackson
Cell: 270-3412
Click here to send email

Rev. David Thompson
Cell: 225-0025

Rev. Jason Davis
Cell: 620-5487

Rev. Chad Bles
Cell: 587-1661

Rev. Mary Null
Cell: 275-6986